Historical Archives

NABU Network Historical ArchivesThe NabuNetwork.com development team both provides and has compiled a number of historical resources that are of general interest to NABU PC owners and enthusiast. While this list is by no means comprehensive, it should serve to be useful.

NABU Network Corporate (1982-1986):

Meet Leo Binkowski:
Leo is an ex-NABU computer programmer (1982-1986) who was hired to create arcade games for the NABU Computer at a young age. The NABU Network software department was inspired to engage students to be game programmers with hopes of pushing their technology and adapting popular games.

York University Computer Museum began a reconstruction project:

The Unofficial History of NABU in DC:
Did you know NABU did expand to two other countries outside of Canada? One being in Sowa, Japan; and the other being in Washington D.C. Well, sort of. Find out more by visiting the Unofficial History of NABU in DC website!

NABU Network in the News:

The Grunt Press Newsletter:
Here are a few issues from the Grunt Press, a NABU Network Newsletter from 1984. Thanks Leo Binkowski for pointing these out to the NABU Community and to Ray Teske for preserving these Grunt Press copies.

Cable Modems in the 1980’s:
Many sources like Wikipedia and others claim the first cable modem was in the mid 1990’s, however we know that NABU Network in the 1980s was doing amazing things with cable modems.

Thanks to the efforts of technology enthusiast Grizzly Adams, we now have an amazing document from 1983 discussing cable modems and it references NABU.

From Electronic to Video Gaming – Computing in Canada:
Sharing the Fun: Video Games in Canada, 1950-2015 by the Canada Science and Technology Museum. Version 2 created on January 30, 2015 by Jean-Louis Trudel.

How you can help:
There is a lot of NABU computer historical information missing online. The NABU Network development team plans to help change that with this website by adding more content as we come across it.

If you have any historical documentation about the NABU, we would love to add it to our archives, so please get in touch with us.