About Us

NABU Grows With People Like YouLaunched on December 5, 2022, NabuNetwork.com is dedicated to preserving and displaying historical examples of NABU PC hardware, software, documentation, accessories, and so much more!

The NabuNetwork.com website aims to be the ultimate online “goto resource” for all things NABU computer related including offering the original NABU Network Cycle from 1984, which was preserved by NABU Software Engineering legend Leo Binkowski back in 2009 when he was working with the York Museum’s NABU restoration project that was brought to our attention in November 2022.

In early February 2023, Leo Binkowski, with the help of Santo from vintagecomputer.ca, was able to successfully recover files from Leo’s Mass Storage Unit (MSU hard drive) cabserve from 1986. According to Leo, this would be the last cycle broadcast from the original NABU Network in Canada before it went off the air on August 31, 1986. 

Thanks to Leo Binkowski’s preservation efforts, these original NABU computer software cycles can be used with various closed and open source NABU Network Internet Adapters being created in the present day.

For a more indepth historical accounting of how the NABU PC craze of November 2022 began, check out the “A brief history on the 2022 NABU Computer craze” blog post.

Open Source NABU Computer Internet Adapter:
NabuNetwork.com is pleased to offer up a dedicated Open Source version of the NABU Network Internet Adapter software for download that will connect with our online NABU cycle for a plug and play experience!

As an added bonus, the NabuNetwork.com Internet Adapter code framework is provided on Github for those who like to hack and create interesting software for retro computers, and additional customizations are highly encouraged.

Creating an open community that fosters sharing is a top priority for NabuNetwork.com, since this is a community effort after all.

There will be additional capabilities added to our NABU Internet Adapter software as time permits. Expect to see support for online multiplayer gaming, CP/M, Telnet and so much more!

Development Team:
NabuNetwork.com development is complex, creative work that requires adaptability as technical challenges arise and requirements evolve. Here are just a few of the awesome people who are helping get this project off the ground.

Sean – NabuNetwork.com Founder
Forte: Code Monkey / Web Ninja

John – The Wizard
Forte: Code Dreamer / Binary Beast
YouTube: The Wizard

Nick – GryBsh
Forte: Dev Lord / Patch Demon
YouTube: The GryArea
Mastodon: https://hachyderm.io/@grybsh

Rudy – Rudy’s Retro Intel
Forte: Hardware and Software Documentation
YouTube: Rudy’s Retro Intel

Gavin – tergav17
Forte: Open Source CP/M Code Master
Github: https://github.com/tergav17/IshkurCPM

Beta Testers:
Thank you to the following people who helped with testing, making suggestions and bug reporting our NABU Internet Adapter software and the NabuNetwork.com website:

Shout-outs and High Fives:
First and foremost, a huge thank you to Adrian’s Digital Basement for putting this long-lost and forgotten computer on everyone’s radar back in November 2022. Had he not done that first video, there would probably still be a storage building full of new old stock NABU computers.

Special thanks to NABU Software Engineering legend, Leo Binkowski for preserving his hardware and software so we can recreate the original NABU computer experience from the 1980s and work on creating new and exciting things in 2022 and beyond!

Without Leo Binkowski making all of our NABU dreams come true, it would still be like 1986 when the original NABU company went bankrupt and online services ended. Thank you again Leo for being a preservation rock star!

Big thanks to Zbigniew Stachniak and the entire crew at York University for their NABU Network Reconstruction Project efforts (2005-2010), they are both numerous and awesome.

Thanks to DJ Sures (NABU RetroNET). DJ’s family has a pretty cool history dating back to the early days of the NABU Corporation. DJ got the ball rolling with getting the NABU computer online by reverse engineering the York University Computer Museums (YUCoM) NABU project.

Open Source NABU community and Discord members:
Thank you to these amazing people in the NABU community (in no particular order) for all their help, advice and suggestions.

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Terms of Service Disclaimer:
The information on this website is for general informational purposes only. NabuNetwork.com makes no representation or warranty, express or implied. Your use of the site is solely at your own risk. This site may contain links to third party content, which we do not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for.

The NabuNetwork.com website provides educational, entertainment and technical information for NABU hardware owners and interested parties. The information, software, documentation and links posted on this website are known to be free of viruses, trojans and malicious intent to the best of our knowledge. All software, links and documentation from NabuNetwork.com are provided with no warranty.

The founders and community of NabuNetwork.com are not responsible for any hardware or software damage done to your devices by attempting hardware modifications or software found on this website.

NabuNetwork.com reserves the right to modify our terms of use agreement at any time, effective upon posting of the modified agreement on this page. User’s of NabuNetwork.com are responsible to read this document from time to time to ensure that their use of our services remain in compliance with this agreement. Continued use of NabuNetwork.com services, online facilities or products following any such changes shall constitute the User’s acceptance of such changes.

TOS disclaimer last updated: January 9, 2023